

皆さんは、デンマークのイケメン、アレックス・ホー・アンダーセン(Alex Hogh Andersen)さんをご存じでしょうか?

米国TC Candlerが発表の「世界で最もハンサムな顔100人」(世界イケメンランキング)に選ばれるなど、注目を集めています。



Alex Hogh Andersen
  • Alex Hogh Andersen
  • 名前:アレックス・ホー・アンダーセン
  • 生年月日:1994年5月20日
  • 出身:デンマーク
  • 職業:俳優、写真家
  • 略歴:人気ドラマテレビシリーズ「バイキング」のイヴァー・ザ・ボーンレスの役として有名。



#robertprisen2020 by @christian_krog

Alex Høgh Andersen(@alexhoeghandersen)がシェアした投稿 –


CHARITY AUCTION TIME! Together with Red Cross Youth Denmark, I’ve decorated a Christmas Tree full of #Vikings stuff. It includes a trip to Greenland, a signed original script from the Vikings tv-show along with Ivar the Boneless’s iconic PickAxes ⛏ that I’ve used in several fight scenes and a signed vikings cup from San Diego Comic Con. On top of that, we got several gift cards for museums, 1 year of HBO Nordic, tons of mead, free tattoo, Valhalla comics collection and an extreme amount of Christmas decoration along with a lot of other great stuff!! 🎄⚔️🍻 You can now bid on the entire tree and the full hammer price will be donated to vulnerable kids celebrating Christmas at crisis shelters, residential facilities, hospitals, or the like. This is an incredibly important cause to me and I hope you’ll place a bid, spread the word or donate yourself to the great organisation that is @ungdommensroedekors #støt #juletræ Please follow the link in my bio and go nuts. THANK YOU to all the companies who donated, I’m extremely grateful. @air_greenland_official ———————— All the best, Xx Alex

Alex Høgh Andersen(@alexhoeghandersen)がシェアした投稿 –


@boysbygirls x @emiliastaugaard #tb

Alex Høgh Andersen(@alexhoeghandersen)がシェアした投稿 –


Repost from friend and great source of daily inspiration @lee_jeffries – do not miss out on his new book. It’s incredibly beautiful. …………………………………………………………….. Portraits… . @alexhoeghandersen reminds me of when I was at Uni. Sure he’s a big time actor and much better looking than I ever was (bast@r#!! 😂) but as I watch his stories and posts, he’s at his happiest chilling with his mates. He takes me back to the time when headers and volleys on the park, with my pals, were the most I had to worry about… and thats such a beautiful thing…. . Anyway, he now owns portraits and this is what he had to say… . “It’s an incredible accomplishment and I salute you Lee. You’ve created light in darkness.”… . You can buy Portraits. Every copy personally signed. Ships worldwide. Link in my bio or here 👇… .

Alex Høgh Andersen(@alexhoeghandersen)がシェアした投稿 –


Had the pleasure of shooting with portrait master @robinskjoldborg 🖖🏼

Alex Høgh Andersen(@alexhoeghandersen)がシェアした投稿 –


Analog x Emilia

Alex Høgh Andersen(@alexhoeghandersen)がシェアした投稿 –

