
皆さんは、筋肉隆々のスーパーマンで知られる、ヘンリー・カヴィル(Henry Cavill)さんをご存じでしょうか?

米国TC Candlerが発表の「世界で最もハンサムな顔100人」(世界イケメンランキング)に選ばれるなど、注目を集めています。



Henry Cavill さん

ヘンリー・カヴィル(Henry Cavill, 1983年5月5日 – )さんは、イギリスの俳優・モデル。


その後イングランドに渡り、バッキンガムシャーのボーディングスクール(Stowe School)に通りました。










Let’s Gooooooo!!! @Chiefs #ChiefsKingdom #KansasCityChiefs #NFL

Henry Cavill(@henrycavill)がシェアした投稿 –


Having a little flashback to my days in Budapest on The Witcher and found this photo. I like it because it shows that it doesn’t take huge weights everyday to achieve results. I was doing everything I could in a busy busy schedule to try and get something in, whenever I could. During this period I learned that it’s not the weight that matters, it’s the workout. So if you’re shy about going to the gym because there is always someone next to you using mahoosive weights, don’t be. You do your weights, just make every workout count. You might end up looking better than the fella or lady next to you that’s using those heavy weights. I also wanted to give a massive shout-out to Adam at Flex Gym. Adam went out of his way to help make sure I could get some training in, no matter the time of day or night, he’d open the gym so I could throw some weights (big or little!) around. Thank you my friend. I hope to see you soon! @FlexGymBudapest #YouDoYou #GymStuff

Henry Cavill(@henrycavill)がシェアした投稿 –


The journey continues. Thank you to Mr Dave Rienzi for being such a wonderful guide. My physical journey over the years has been an interesting one, with plenty of pit falls and plenty of moments of reward. I’ve been reflecting on them a lot recently and I’ve been very fortunate to work with some fantastic minds. I’m thankful to them all. Recently I’ve been exploring some of the big players in bodybuilding, both from the past and the present. It’s absolutely fascinating to see what they put themselves through, the drive and mental strength required to get to such a place physically. Phil Heath in particular has caught my eye not only for his achievements but also for his genuinely humble and informative approach to his messaging. All this while being a 7x Mr Olympia. If you haven’t checked out his page it’s worth a peek. @DaveRienzi @PhilHeath #GymStuff

Henry Cavill(@henrycavill)がシェアした投稿 –

